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CoolSculpting Specialist

Padmaja Sharma, MD -  - OB/GYN

Fremont OBGYN

Padmaja Sharma, MD

OB/GYN & Medical Spa located in Fremont, CA

Diet and exercise don’t eliminate all fat cells. So, no matter how hard you push yourself at the gym or how well you eat, some stubborn love handles and fat deposits may remain. Call or make an appointment online with Dr. Padmaja Sharma at Fremont OB/GYN in Fremont, California, to find out how CoolSculptingⓇ can help you get rid of unwanted fat.

CoolSculpting Q & A

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive cosmetic alternative to liposuction. This procedure works in several areas of your body, including:

  • Chin
  • Thighs
  • Abdomen and flanks
  • Back
  • Underneath your buttocks
  • Upper arms

Also referred to as cryolipolysis, this procedure kills off fat cells by freezing them at a higher temperature than other cells in the surrounding area.

How is CoolSculpting done?

During your first visit, Dr. Sharma reviews your medical history and works with you to fashion a personalized body sculpting plan. The number of treatments needed depends on your goals.  

CoolSculpting technology safely delivers the exact temperature needed to get rid of the fat cells underneath the skin without much discomfort or downtime. During each session, Dr. Sharma applies a gel pad and applicator to the treatment area. Once the application is complete, you are free to read, check email, or even take a nap for the remainder of the hour-long session.

There’s no recovery or downtime, so, once your session is over, you’re free to return to your normal activities. Any bruising, swelling, sensitivity, or pain diminishes over a few weeks.

It’s important to keep in mind that results don’t appear immediately. It takes time for your immune system to get rid of the dead fat cells. Approximately three months after your session, you notice up to a 25% reduction of fat in the targeted area.

While it takes time for results to appear, it’s important to remember the eliminated fat cells can never come back.

Who is a candidate for CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is an excellent option for those looking to improve their appearance without the increased risk of complications and downtime associated with cosmetic surgery.

CoolSculpting is best for those at a normal weight and who are generally fit but still have some fat deposits diet and exercise haven’t eliminated. CoolSculpting isn’t for people who are considered obese.

To get rid of your stubborn fat in the private setting of a small office, call or make an appointment online today with Dr. Sharma at Fremont OB/GYN.